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How to install LUTS

Video tutorials:

Final Cut Pro:


DaVinci Resolve:

DaVinci Resolve

  1. Open DaVinci Resolve and create a new project.
  2. Import your video footage into the media pool by clicking on the
  3. "Media" tab and then clicking on "Import."
  4. Once your footage is imported, drag and drop it into the timeline at
  5. the bottom of the screen.
  6. Clickonthe"Color"tabatthetopofthescreentoaccessthecolor
  7. grading workspace.
  8. In the color grading workspace, you will see a panel on the right side
  9. of the screen called the "Node Editor." Click on the "+" icon to add a
  10. new node.
  11. Withthenewnodeselected,clickonthe"LUTs"tablocatedinthe
  12. top left corner of the "Node Editor" panel.
  13. Click on the "Open LUT Folder" button located at the bottom of the
  14. "LUTs" tab.
  15. ThiswillopenthefolderwhereDaVinciResolvestoresitsLUTs.To
  16. add your custom LUT, simply copy and paste the .cube file into this
  17. folder.
  18. Onceyou'veaddedyourcustomLUT,gobacktoDaVinciResolveand
  19. click on the "Refresh" button located at the bottom of the "LUTs" tab.
  20. Your custom LUT should now appear in the list of available LUTs.
  21. Click on your custom LUT to apply it to your footage in the timeline.
  22. You can then use the color grading controls in the "Color" tab to further adjust the look of your footage.

That's it! You've successfully applied a custom LUT in DaVinci Resolve.

Final Cut Pro

  1. Open Final Cut Pro and create a new project.
  2. Import your video footage into the event browser by clicking on the
  3. "Import Media" button in the top left corner of the screen.
  4. Once your footage is imported, drag and drop it into the timeline at
  5. the bottom of the screen.
  6. Clickonthe"Color"tablocatedinthetoprightcornerofthescreen
  7. to access the color grading workspace.
  8. In the color grading workspace, you will see a panel on the right side
  9. of the screen called the "Inspector." Click on the "Effects" tab located
  10. at the top of the "Inspector" panel.
  11. Inthe"Effects"tab,clickonthe"Color"folderandthenclickonthe
  12. "Custom LUT" folder.
  13. Click and drag the "Custom LUT" effect onto the clip you want to
  14. apply the LUT to in the timeline.
  15. Withthe"CustomLUT"effectselected,clickonthe"ChooseCustom
  16. LUT" button located in the "Inspector" panel.
  17. NavigatetothelocationwhereyourcustomLUTissavedandselect
  18. it.
  19. Once you've selected your custom LUT, it should automatically be
  20. applied to your footage in the timeline. You can then use the color grading controls in the "Color" tab to further adjust the look of your footage.

That's it! You've successfully applied a custom LUT in Final Cut Pro.

Adobe Premiere

  1. Open Adobe Premiere and create a new project.
  2. Import your video footage into the project by clicking on the
  3. "Import" button located in the bottom left corner of the screen.
  4. Once your footage is imported, drag and drop it into the timeline at
  5. the bottom of the screen.
  6. Clickonthe"Color"tablocatedatthetopofthescreentoaccessthe
  7. Lumetri Color workspace.
  8. In the Lumetri Color workspace, you will see a panel on the right side
  9. of the screen called the "Basic Correction" panel. Click on the
  10. "Creative" tab located at the top of the "Basic Correction" panel.
  11. Inthe"Creative"tab,youwillseeasectioncalled"Look."Clickonthe
  12. drop-down menu and select "Browse."
  13. This will open a window where you can navigate to the location
  14. where your custom LUT is saved. Select the LUT file and click "Open."
  15. YourcustomLUTwillnowappearinthe"Look"sectionofthe
  16. "Creative" tab. Click on the LUT to apply it to your footage in the
  17. timeline.
  18. YoucanthenusethecolorgradingcontrolsintheLumetriColor
  19. workspace to further adjust the look of your footage.

That's it! You've successfully applied a custom LUT in Adobe Premiere.